Phoebe C Photography with her face up against a unknown person as she smiles and closes her eyes.


Let’s Connect!

A black woman with braided hair cascading down her shoulder loooks inot the distance as her mother stands behind her looking in the other direction

Oh! Have you finished your form???

A mother and her daughter look at each other while holding their sunglasses and sitting on beach chairs in Southern California

How very


of you.

A wedding couple, one sitting and one standing on the same rock, hold a hand and look off into a forrest in Litchfield, Connecticut.
Phoebe C Photography in a Northwest Connecticut Garden sits amongst pink flowers and holds a cannon camera my her face.
A mutt dog sits on Blacks Beachh looking off into the distance.
An ariel view of a young woman swimming by, her arms spread out and her feet kicking as flowers float around her.
A mother and her grown daughter in dresses sit properly on each chairs that sit at the shoreline. The two are looking at the camera confidently with sunglasses on.
A woman drinking our of a fancy glass leans againts her open fridge as she wears a shiny dress and heels.


Newly-weds kissing in the woods of White Memorial in Litchfield, Connecicut



Same-Sex Lesbian couple dancing together in the waves of a Sarasota, Florida Beach.



Southern California couple holding hands at Blacks beach in the distance.
